Training & Exercise
5 Ways to Improve Your Cardio
To get your cardio in you don't have to go to the gym and mindlessly walk up stairs or jog on the treadmill until your lungs are screaming and your legs are jello. Read on for
How to Avoid the Top 5 Crossfit Injuries
CrossFit is a good way to improve your physical fitness, but that can come at a price due to the demanding nature of the workouts.  CrossFit injuries occur occasionally and u
Should You Use Caffeine Before a Workout?
My personal observations is that caffeine before my workout helps me to stay more focused and more energized. Let’s look at what the caffeine in coffee does when you consume
Cardio or Weight Training First?
Both weight and cardio training have been incorporated simultaneously into training routines in many sports and physical activities. So that begs the question: “When I go in
Exceed Your Goals By Maximizing Your Recovery from Exercise
Recovery is so important to your workout routine. Working a muscle or joint too hard or too often leads to excessive fatigue, loss of progress, and even injury. Covering these
How to Get Those 6-Pack Abs by Lee Labrada
Developing hard, defined abdominals is a function of both exercise and diet. You must build the abdominal muscles first with resistance exercise and then strip off the fat lay
Why Does My Shoulder Hurt?
Shoulder pain frequently gets in the way of fitness goals.  Injuries to your rotator cuff are among the most common exercise-related problems in the upper body.  Keep readin
Training Variables: How Important is Volume?
Read on to find out the three variables that will give you the greatest return of you the greatest return on your investment of time, energy, and sweat in the gym?
3 Techniques to Avoid Knee Injury
Have you ever been exercising and over time your knee starts to develop this achy or even stabbing pain?  It can be scary to hurt a knee.  Continue reading to learn more ab