Quick Protein Holiday Roll-ups
Looking for a quick holiday recipe and only have a few minutes to spare? Look no further! These Holiday Roll-Ups are quick, delicious, festive, and of course, PACKED with prot
Family-Friendly Protein Sweet Potato Casserole
Let's make a delicious Sweet Potato Casserole that your whole family will love (made with Labrada 100% Whey)! Top crushed up pecans or even mini marshmallows.
Tuna or Chicken Guacamole Balls
Ready to take your taste buds to the next level this year? These canned Tuna Guacamole Balls are cheap, quick, delicious, and packed with protein! Don’t like tuna? Try Chick
Mac & Cheese Chicken Breast Casserole
Looking for a quick, easy meal prep recipe that won’t break the bank? Today we remix a box of mac and cheese into a delicious, high protein CHICKEN CASSEROLE!
Macro Friendly Pizza Meatballs
If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to your pizza craving…look no further. These Pizza balls only take a few minutes to make and are absolutely delicious!
Breakfast Blueberry Protein Muffins
It’s time we reinvent the usually unhealthy and overpriced Blueberry Muffin! Today we keep them DELICIOUS, under 150 calories, and packed with protein!
Hot Cheetos Chicken Breast Strips
Take your chicken to the next level with this easy 4 ingredient Cheetos recipe! If you want a “healthier” option, don’t worry…this recipe works with almost EVERY chip!
Raspberry Oatmeal Protein Bites
Eat dessert ANYTIME with these delicious Raspberry Oatmeal Protein Bites! Complex carbs, healthy fats, and packed with protein…what more could you want in a dessert!?
Easy Slow Cooker Burrito Bowls
Your favorite local burrito spot is now your SLOW COOKER! Today we create the EASIEST, most delicious, best sounding, and protein-packed recipe you’ve had yet!